Creating the Big Picture

Craft, or refine, a unique identity for your group.
More than just music and dots; Create an approachable production that engages audiences
Seamless workflow: With Kent managing communication between the design team and band staff, you can focus more on teaching and less on tracking down updates

Drill Design
Student success is at the forefront of Kent's staging design ​
Make an impression with drill design that reflects your show concept and story
All designs are crafted to be achievable by students and readable by audiences
Kent is happy to work with other program coordinators as a drill designer


Make Waves with a sound that is uniquely yours
Increase production value with cinematic sound design and custom preshows
Sound fuller, wider and deeper with well designed sound reinforcement
Don’t miss a beat with easy-to-use deliverables
Kent is happy to work with other program coordinators as a sound designer